Sack kraft paper, or just sack paper, is a porous kraft paper with high elasticity and high tear resistance, designed for packaging products with high demands for strength and durability.[2]
Pulp produced by the kraft process is stronger than that made by other pulping processes; acidic sulfite processes degrade cellulose more, leading to weaker fibers, and mechanical pulping processes leave most of the lignin with the fibers, whereas kraft pulping removes most of the lignin present originally in the wood. Low lignin is important to the resulting strength of the paper, as the hydrophobic nature of lignin interferes with the formation of the hydrogen bonds between cellulose (and hemicellulose) in the fibers.[3]
Kraft pulp is darker than other wood pulps, but it can be bleached to make very white pulp. Fully bleached kraft pulp is used to make high quality paper where strength, whiteness and resistance to yellowing are important.
Posisi Workshop kami yang sangat strategis di Pusat Kota Bekasi sekaligus berada diantara 3 Perusahaan Besar penyedia Jasa Pengiriman yakni PT. Pos Indonesia, PT. Citra Van Titipan Kilat & PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir membuat kami lebih leluasa dalam memenuhi permintaan klien untuk menggunakan Jasa Ekspedisi mana yang diinginkan. Baik dari segi Cost, Efesiensi maupun jarak kantor cabang perusahaan tersebut dari lokasi anda
Jarak Workshop dengan Jasa Ekspedisi:
Kantor Pos Besar Bekasi: 300 Meter
Kantor TIKI Bekasi : 800 meter
Kantor JNE Bekasi : 750 meter
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